On the second day of our trip, we went to Sea World.We met up with my mum's friend and my mum's sister's friend. First, we went to a sea lion show. The sea lions show was a story with a couple of sea lions. The story was about a greedy lady, who sells fish. But she is taking all the fish so a detective, a policeman and a sea lion tries to stop her. It was quite funny and the sea lion was really good.

Next, we went to the dolphin the show. This show wasn't a story, it was one where they talked about saving the dolphins. While the rescuers were talking, the dolphins were doing jumps and flips. Near the end of the show, the two trainers were standing on two dolphins each. Then the dolphins went underwater, but the trainers didn't, then they jumped up are they all went flying. It was hard to take photos because my camera was a bit slow but here is the best one.

After the dolphins did they final flips, we went to see some Polar Bears. There was this cute Polar Bear just sitting there eating a piece of meat. After a while he decided to go for a swim. He kept on doing the same thing over and over again. He would sit at the surface then dive under and pop up at the other end. To get to the start, he would fall on it's back and swim back. When he popped up, he would get his big, white paws and wipe his eyes. It was cute because he wasn't trained to do that. He was almost human.

My cousin, Josh, wanted to look at the sharks. We walked along a path and ended up underwater. We were in this room that had a big glass window. We could see all the different sharks and fish. It was amazing that the fish were swimming with the sharks and survived. There were about ten medium sized sharks and one big shark. Just as we were leaving, the big shark came up to the window and kept banging it's head on the window. It did that until a man, who was underwater, pushed his nose away.

When we were walking back to the rides, we passed a water tank, that a lot of people were putting their hands into. I thought that the people were patting dolphins but they we patting sting-rays. The tank was split into two parts. The smaller part had the little sting-rays and it had a sign that said, "Don't touch the head of the tail, only the sides". In the deeper end, the were huge sting-rays that were harder to touch because they kept on turning different directions. I stuck my hand in because I wanted to come home and tell everyone that I touched I sting-ray. When a sting-ray came by I reached out but a soon a I touched it, I pull it straight out. I did that because it was so slimy that it shocked me.

There were only two rides there, there was the Sea Viper and the Jet Rescue. I didn't go on the Sea Viper because it was closed when I got there. I went on the Jet Rescue instead. The Jet Rescue was I ride when you on jet skies and you go really fast. When it started I shut my eyes but after the first turn I open them.When we turn, it looked like we were vertical. As soon as you start it takes a picture of you, it was closing time so it didn't take any photos.
I wish we could go back again.
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