At Tawa Intermediate we have Inter-Class Competitions. If you don't know what and Inter-Class Competition is, it's when two classes play a game and the the class that wins gets some points and at the end of the Competition the class with the most points wins. For the Inter-Class Competition, the we are play at the moment is Dodge-Ball. I will tell you about rooms 13,14 and 15's (Pouakai Syndicate) games.
Yesterday room 15 played their first game against room 16 and room 15 won. I wasn't there to watch their game but I've been told that when they won room 15 only had four players out.
Today rooms 13 and 14 played their Dodge-Ball game. Room 14 played against room 7. I watched their game because my class (room 13) were waiting to play our game. Half way though room 14's game the people watching started a chant. It was "Go Room 14 Go" room 14 won and after a while it was our turn.
We lined up, bent down and when the whistle blew we...RAN! I was about the seventh person to get out. We played against room 11 and won. We had 14 players still in, when we won.
The whole Pouakai Syndicate won but we still have a few more games ahead. BRING IT ON!

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