I am a student at Tawa Intermediate School, Wellington, NZ. I am in Room 13 and a member of the amazing Pouakai Syndicate. My teacher is Ms Tito.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Check this out!

At home I found this app called Aging Booth. Its were you take a photo of your self and it shows you 70 years older!!!!!

Here are some of mine......    2012 TO 2082




  1. Hi Ruby
    Oh my goodness. I'm intrigued by the app but I don't think I really want to see what I will look like 70 years from now.
    Thanks for sharing your new app with us. Remember when you are publishing posts to check your spelling. You have made a few mistakes. Check the title and sentence.
    Ms T

  2. Hi Ruby. OMG I want to go on the app but like Ms T said I don't. I'll try look for it on my ipad.
    Nicole. S

  3. Hey Ruby
    This looks creepy and kind of scares me
    I hope you don't really look like that when you are old cause if we are still friends then, you'll scare me!
    From Ryley


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